Sabbatical day 65 (London)

Happy April fools day everyone. No one fooled me not even the England Rugby tweet (pitch has become a cabbage patch!!).

Did yoga first thing, the one beginning with V with a teacher called Claire at Samsara. Can definitely feel I had a good workout yesterday a few aches when I woke up.

Had a long overdue catch up with Jules and a bonus to see Mr M who was working from home and swung by the kitchen to burn some documents in the garden!! Loved seeing wee Alex too, he’s grown so much and definitely has his daddy’s boof!


Did a smash and grab in Arding & Hobbs at Clapham Junction, found a rather nice bright blue dress (Self Portrait like) in Warehouse Spotlight collection much to my surprise that might well be a contender for the red carpet on Sunday. Not sure I’ve dropped into my blog chat yet, but I’m off to the 40th Anniversary of The Olivier Awards at the Opera House. So for my last post, I’ll be going out with a bang & into my first day back at work with a hangover.


Spent the rest of the afternoon having the neglected bonce sorted with the fab team at Seed. Decided to stick with the blonde that has naturally occurred over the last 6 weeks….yes I do have some natural blonde!


Off to dinner on Fulham Rd tonight, slightly nervous as not drunk a spirit for over 7 weeks, and something tells me I’m not going to be able to avoid them tonight.

Happy Friday all & a very special high five to my sister in law Emils 👐





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